Patrick O. Gee, Ph.D., JLC
Advisory Board Member
Founder & CEHD, iAdvocate, Inc.
Patrick has spent his life as a Community Activist, fighting against systemic issues such as poverty, social and racial injustices, criminal justice reform, and education reform. Patrick worked for the Virginia Department of Corrections (1988-2008 retired) and the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice (1993-2008), where during his time in service, he acquired several awards and recognitions for the following work:
Virginia Department of Corrections Volunteerism and Community Outreach Award – 2005
Governor's Award for Volunteerism and Community Outreach Award – 2005
NABCJ Owen Bell Award for Chapter Development – 2004
Sussex County School Volunteerism of the Year – 2004
Richmond Public School Volunteer of the Year – 2002
Big Bother's & Big Sister's of Richmond, VA Big Brother of the Year – 1987
Patrick began his collegiate years at Howard University before transferring to the University of Richmond. He received a Bachelor's and Master's of Science in Criminal Justice, emphasizing Public Administration from the University of Richmond, Richmond, VA. He also has a Doctor of Philosophy in Justice, Law, & Criminology from American University, Washington, DC. Patrick is also an Ordained Minister at Mountain Movers Ministry, Richmond, VA. Through his ministry, Patrick is the Chief Executive Hope Dealer for iAdvocate, Inc., a non-profit Health & Wellness organization. IAdvocate provides medical, educational toolkits, resources, and solutions primarily targeted to undervalued and disenfranchised communities of color through faith. His mantra is, "I am the Voice for the Voiceless and the Face for the Faceless in the fight against kidney disease."
In April 2013, Patrick was diagnosed with Stage 3b End-Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD). He began doing Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) in December 2013. On April 21, 2017, Patrick received a kidney transplant. Upon waking from the transplant surgery, he discovered that his newly transplanted kidney was not functioning due to a Delayed Graft Function (DGF). Because of this, Patrick had to endure twenty-four hours of Hemodialysis (HD) every other day until his kidney started to work.
Five days after his kidney transplant surgery, Patrick's physician told him that he had a Blood Clot in his neck and needed surgery to remove it. Three days after the Blood clot surgery, his physician informed him that he was Hemorrhaging and needed surgery to correct the problem. Seventeen days after the corrective surgery for Hemorrhaging, Patrick needed a fourth surgery to create a Laparoscopic Peritoneum Window so that he could drain internally. Patrick endured a total of four surgeries and thirty-three days hospitalized, and yet, his newly transplanted kidney still was not working. On the forty-seventh day since his transplant, Patrick's new kidney began to function. During this entire process, Patrick lost all kidney function. He was not able to urinate for two and a half years before his newly transplanted kidney working.
Patrick has been very passionate in his pursuit to speak on behalf of the underserved, undervalued, and disenfranchised communities of color. Because of this, he serves in the following capacities:
Scientific Membership/Board of Directors/Advisory Board Roles
American Association of Kidney Patients former Board of Director
APOLLO APOL1 Long-Term Kidney Transplantation Outcomes Consortium's Community Advisory Council (CAC).
Center for Dialysis Innovation (CDI) Patient Advisory Board (PAB).
Patient Family Centered-Care partners (PFCC) Advisory Board.
Quality Insights ESRD Network 5 Patient Advisory Committee (PAC) Chair.
Quality Insights Medical Review Board of Director (MRB).
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Advisory Board.
FDA MedTech Color Collaborative Community on Diversity and Inclusion in Medical Device Product Development and Clinical Research Steering Committee
NephCure and HEAL Collaborative Health Equity Steering Committee and Patient Advisory Board
Kidney Patient Advisory Committee (KPAC) member
HCIF Health Equity Data Strategy Advisory Group
NIDDK’s Health System Outreach to Eliminate Disparities in Living Kidney Transplant Study Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB)
Scientific Working US & International Development Groups
World Health Organization (WHO) Guideline Development Group for Corticosteroids for COVID-19 Living Guidance.
WHO Clinical Management of COVID-19 Interim Guidance.
WHO Remdesivir for COVID-19: Living Guidance.
WHO Guideline Development Group for Living Guideline on Therapeutics and COVID-19, Drugs to prevent COVID and Clinical Management Workgroup.
British Medical Journal (BMJ) on Diabetic Therapies on SGLT2 Inhibitors & GLP1 Agonists Receptors Research Group.
American Society of Nephrology's (ASN) Diabetes Kidney Disease Collaborative-Task Force.
ASN's Kidney Health Initiative (KHI) Patient Family Partnership Council.
Patient Family Advisor Network (PFA Network) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force.
University of Washington's CDI Human Factors Working Group.
Other Memberships/Interests:
American Kidney Fund (AKF) Ambassador & Certified Kidney Health Coach.
National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Kidney Advisory Committee (KAC) member and Your Kidney and Me Certified Instructor.
United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) Ambassador.
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Ambassador
American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP) Ambassador
Donate Life DC and VA Ambassador.
National Coordinating Center (NCC) Patient Family Engagement-Learning Action Network (PFE-LAN) SME and Legacy member.
CareDX Ambassador
Project Tech
Evidation Health
VCU Health
Virginia Union University
Awards and recognitions within the medical community are listed as follows:
AAKP National Patient Engagement and Advocacy Award - 2018
Patient of the Year, Central Virginia National Kidney Foundation – 2019
Quality Insights ESRD Network 5 Patient of the Year - 2019
Quality Insights Renal Network 5 SME Award – 2017
Presidential Volunteer Service Award Bronze Medalist Recipient - 2020